  • Herzen - Hochzeits Show-Highlight - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Flammenstoss - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Tom Veith - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Seiltrick Braeutigam - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Feuerrad - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Cu Braut - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Cu Gummi - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Feuershow Braut Und Braeutigam - Hochzeits Show-Highlight
  • Cu Geldschein Zaubertrick - Hochzeits Show-Highlight

Austriawedding Hochzeitspoeten dein-hochzeitsfotograf.ch

Show Highlight for your Wedding Day!

You are looking for a special show for your wedding that will forever remind you of the most beautiful day of your life? – than you are on the right place with fire artist and magician Tom Veith!

Since over twenty years he inspires wedding parties with his breathtaking show program and offers perfect presentation for every wedding celebration. Bridal couple and wedding guests are charmingly included in the show.

Do you prefer a hot romantic wedding fire show as a surprising evening special or a stylish mental magical program that includes a lot of esprit and situational comedy between the menu courses? Or maybe both together as a combination package – you have the choice!

Tom Veith is looking forward to create your individual show program for your dream wedding.

He stands for quality, professionalism and reliability and has many years of experience in the event and show business.It is his heart desire that this special day will be an unforgettable und unique experience for you.

stage magic • christmas magic • christmas show • dinner spectacle • receptions • entertainment • event • companies opening • entertaining clients • company party • corporate event • jugglers program • wedding • birthday party • wedding magic • wedding program • wedding entertainment • incentive events • cabaret • kick off events • kids birthday • kids magic show • customer events • meeting • fair • fair sorcery • mass animation • fair deposit • fair presentation • roadshow • staff events • medieval market • party magic • product sorcery • knight • knights table • jousting • parlor magic • salon magic • showintercept • spectaculum • spectacle • stand up • standup magician • steampunk magic • cocktail party • street magician • street magician • street magician • joust • trade show • entertainment • entertainment • wedding magician • christmas dinner • christmas • christmas show • christmas magic • promotional event • magic celebration • magic hard • magician for corporate events • magician for vaudeville • night of magic • magical entertainment arts • magic show

Austria • Vorarlberg • Bodensee • Tirol • South Tyrol • Merano • Bolzano • Salzburg • Carinthia • Lower Austria • Upper Austria • Burgenland • Styria • Bregenz • Innsbruck • Vienna • Graz • Salzburg • Linz • Sankt Pölten • Klagenfurt • Eisenstadt • Bludenz • Bregenzerwald • Dornbirn • Hohenems • Feldkirch • Lech • Warth • Zürs • Ischgl • St. Anton • Landeck • Germany Southern • Bavaria • Baden-Württemberg • Munich • Stuttgart • Nuremberg • Frankfurt • Karlsruhe • Saarbrücken • Freiburg • Mannheim • Kassel • Dortmund • Berlin • Hamburg • Hannover • Switzerland • Zurich • Basel • Bern • Geneva • St. Gallen • Chur • Schaffhausen • Zug • Freiburg • Glarus • Lucerne • Liechtenstein • Vaduz • Italia • Bologna • Firenze • Ala (Lago di Garda) • USA • Nevada • Las Vegas

balloons • stage magic • stage magician • busker magician • christmas magic • close up • close up magic • close up magician • comedian • comedy entertainment • comedy magic • consulting • corporate magic • entertainer • torch • fakir • fire • fire eaters • fire show • fire dancers • fireworks • fire • fire eater • fire Show • companies opening • entertaining clients • company party • jugglers • great illusion • herold • wedding magician • hotel magician • humorous • illusion • Illusionist • incentive events • card magic • kids magic • cruise magician • artist • living torch • living candle • living doll • living doll • mannequin • air balloon model • balloon modeling • magic • magic puff • magic • magician • mental • mentalist • mental • mental magician • fair sorcery • mass animation • fair deposit • trade show magician • staff events • middle Ages • pantomime • medieval artists • medieval market • modeling • moderator • product magician • professional doll • pyro • pyrotechnics • speaker • knight • salon magic • showstopper • minstrels • magic voice • stand up magician • steampunk magic • street magician • table hopping • table spells joust • trade show • entertainer • entertainment • amazement artist • walking act • christmas wedding • magician • magic • promotional event • magician for corporate events • vaudeville • magicians for magical entertainment arts • magic arts • magic night • magic trick • emcee